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Size: 8.02 MB Version: May 2013
Executive Summary
ES‐1 Introduction
This Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared to assist the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
in evaluating the potential environmental effects resulting from proposed landside improvements at the
Southwest Washington Regional Airport (KLS) in Kelso, Washington. The proposed West Side Hangar
Development project consists of improvements to meet FAA design standards. These improvements
include increasing the distance between the main runway and Taxiway D, increasing the width of Taxiway
D, removing hangars that encroach on the Taxiway D and Taxiway E Taxiway Object Free Area (TOFA), and
removing or modifying hangars that penetrate the Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77 transitional
ES‐2 Purpose and Need for the Action
The purposes of the Proposed Actions are to make airport improvements to allow KLS to continue to
operate in a safe and efficient manner, to meet FAA design and safety criteria, and to achieve its airside
and landside goals. The City of Kelso has determined that the safety improvements to the west side
landside facilities described above are the highest priority projects. The City will acquire private property
on the north end of the airport to provide room to replace demolished hangars and add new hangars to
meet forecast demand. The project would not increase flights to or from KLS.