The First Longview Halloween Glow Classic, come out and have a little Halloween fun while playing disc golf in the dark. Tee pads and baskets will be marked with an eerie glow, goblins and ghouls will be out. Glow discs will be in the player's packs.
PLAYERS PACK: Custom Tournament Glow Disc (Dynamic Disc, mold TBD), Dynamic Disc Koozie, Disc Golf Box Company 10% coupon, Portland Disc Golf Companysticker, NutSac Bag sticker. (check back for updates...)
Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, Best Costume, CTP and Longest Drive will be presented.
Any player that pays in for the Ace pot will be eligible to take home some cash if they hit an ace, but ANY Ace during the tournament will get a Disc Golf Box Company Ace Pot box. Come out and have a blast with us at the Halloween Glow Classic at Roy Morse Park. We will be playing a single round of 18 holes (those of you that know the park, that is twice through the 9 holes that are there) Artwork for the flyer and for the Tournament Discs are still being worked on. The Tournament discs will be glow discs, possibly even custom dyed by local players, making them truly unique. Glow discs, disc lights, glow paint, glow sticks taped to discs, all are allowed.
PDGA rules and course Out Of Bounds apply, except in case of discs... We allow a wider variety of glow options (as we don't want anyone losing a disc because they can't find it).
Sponsored by:
- City of Longview Parks and Recreation Department, Longview, WA
- Dynamic Disc - http://dynamicdiscs.com/
- Disc Golf Box Company - http://www.thediscgolfboxcompany.com/
- NutSac Bags, LLC. - http://nutsacbags.com/
- Portland Disc Golf Company - http://www.portlanddiscgolfcompany.com/
If you or someone you know is interested in helping sponsor the event or sponsor a hole, please contact us with the information. Thanks.
Contact Person: Michael Palmer
Contact Email: draekane@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 5037797371
Location: Roy Morse Park, Longview, WA
Event Link: http://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/Longview_Halloween_Glow_Classic_2015