Civil Engineering Permit
This permit authorizes work in the City's Right-of-Way, meaning all real property owned or held by the city in fee, or by way of easement, or dedicated to the public and located within the city, and used or intended for use as a street, alley, sidewalk, public way or easement for public or private utilities, whether developed or undeveloped. (KMC 12.14.030)
Civil Engineering Permit Application
The Civil Engineering Permit Application is the Master Application. Supplemental Stormwater Requirements and Grading Permit Application may also be needed. The required forms and applications are below.
Please submit your application online and upload your submittals through the Online Permitting link below:
- Civil Engineering Permit Application - PDF
- A Site Plan and Traffic Control Plan are required for work in the City's Right-of-Way.
- Residential Site Plan Example (2 copies of residential site plan is required at time of submittal)
- Costs associated with a Civil Engineering permit can be found in our Master Fee Schedule.
- Inspections
Stormwater Requirements
As part of your project permit application, you may be required to submit a Full Stormwater Site Plan or an Abbreviated Stormwater Site Plan. The size and nature of your project determines the level of construction stormwater plan required. All projects, regardless of size, are required to control erosion and manage stormwater runoff from construction sites, demolition, clearing, and grading projects. The Stormwater Thresholds Handout will help you determine whether a Full Stormwater Site Plan or an Abbreviated Stormwater Site Plan is needed.
Full Stormwater Site Plan
This checklist includes the required information for submitting a Full Stormwater Site Plan. The Full Stormwater Site Plan fulfills Minimum Requirement #1 described in Chapter 2 of the Kelso Engineering Design Manual (KEDM).
Abbreviated Stormwater Site Plan
Construction and land disturbing projects that meet the following criteria are eligible to use this form: • Results in between 2,000 and 4,999 square feet of new plus replaced hard surface area, or • Results in 7,000 square feet or more of land disturbing activity, AND • Converts less than ¾ acres of vegetation to lawn or landscaped area, and • Converts less than 2.5 acres of native vegetation to pasture.
Additional Stormwater Forms if needed :
- Custom Soil Report Instructions
- Maps:
- Slope
- Groundwater
- Geohazard
- Small Construction Erosion Control Plan
- Final Feasibility Checklist
- Residential Permeable Pavement Design
- Rain Garden Design & Construction Guide
- Declaration of Covenant
- Permeable Pavement Maintenance Instruction
- Rain Garden Maintenace Instruction
- Post Construction Soil Quality and Depth
Department of Ecology Stormwater General Permits:
Depending on the size and type of project, Washington state stormwater permits could be required. Other state permits could also be required. Notice of Intent (NOI) Application Forms for the Construction Stormwater General Permit and the Industrial Stormwater General Permit are now completed online. Accounts for SecureAccess Washington (SAW) and Ecology’s WQWebPortal are required to apply online for these permits. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all state permits are obtained if they are applicable to the project.
- Apply for a Construction Stormwater General Permit
- Apply for an Industrial Stormwater General Permit
Grading Permit
Grading, in this context, is a term that covers a number of land disturbing activities that includes clearing, grubbing, excavation, filling, grading, compaction, stockpiling and stabilizing.
Construction of Public Improvements Procedure for Permit Projects by Private Contract
Where public improvements are to be constructed within public right-of-way (including public easements), the Owner/Developer may elect to construct the public improvements by public contract (City) or by private contract. Whenever the Owner/Developer wishes to have the costs for public improvements assessed to the benefited property via an LID/ULID, the projects will be administered by the City and the improvements will be constructed by City Contract. (KMC 12.10)
If you have any questions regarding Right-of-Way permits please contact our Engineering Department anytime Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm by calling (360) 423-6590 or by email: engineering@kelso.gov