Event Schedule
Friday, September 13, 2024 All Clans Registration
Saturday, September 14, 2024
8:00 AM - Registration for Individual Heavyweight Athletics
9:00 AM – Clan Tents open in the park
Food and Craft Vendors open
Individual Heavyweight Games Begin
Parade lineup downtown Kelso
10:00 AM - Festival parade from downtown Kelso to the park – awards given at lineup.
Flower Show – under new covered area
Dance Competition – morning session
11:00 AM - Silent Auction Begins
11:30 AM - Dance Premier Choreography
Entertainment under the covered area with Beltaine
12:30 PM - Opening Ceremonies
Posting of colors – Mass Bands – Ft Vancouver Pipe Band and Tacoma Scots Pipe Band
Parade of Clans, Anthems & Invocation
1:00 PM - Highland Dance Competition – afternoon session
1:15 PM - Beltaine
2:15 PM - Fort Vancouver Pipe Band performance
3:15 PM - Tacoma Scots Pipe Band performance
4:00 PM - Beltaine
4:45 PM - Silent Auction ends and winners announced.
Sunday, September 15, 2024
8:00 AM - Check-in for Team Heavyweight Athletics
8:00 AM - Kirkin’ of the Tartan Worship service in park
9:00 AM - Team Heavyweight Games Begin
9:30 AM - Kirkin’ of the Tartan Worship service at Kelso United Methodist Presbyterian Church - 206 Cowlitz Way. Reception to follow.
10:00 AM - Clan Tents open
Food and Craft Vendors open
11:00 AM - Beltaine
12:00 PM - Wicked Tinkers
1:00 PM - Beltaine
2:00 PM - Wicked Tinkers
3:00 PM - Beltaine
4:15 PM - Wicked Tinkers