Land Use Submittal Instructions
For all Land Use Projects, the Master Land Use Application must be submitted in addition to the Land Use Planning documents, applications, checklists and forms listed below. The checklists will identify everything that needs to be submitted along with the Master Land Use Application. Submitting forms and maps is also available online.
Boundary Line Adjustments (BLA), Short plats and Subdivisions
Please refer to the Table of Required Information for a successful map submittal for BLAs, Plats and Subdivisions. While you can find all of the specific details for each of these process at KMC 17.34, this Table of Required Information will provide you with a short cut of required information for the map itself. If after reading the code and the table, you still have questions please call us at 360.425.9922 x 3320 or via email at building@kelso.gov.
- Boundary Line Adjustment Checklist
- Plat - Final Checklist
- Plat - Preliminary Checklist
- Plat - Short Checklist
Other Land Use Planning Documents
Design Review Handbook (Guidelines for development within the Downtown Design Guidelines Overlay District)
Environmental Checklist Form (SEPA- January 2023) (pdf)
Environmental Checklist Form (SEPA- January 2023) (doc)
JARPA (To streamline the environmental permitting process, multiple regulatory agencies joined forces to create one application that people can use to apply for more than one permit at a time. It is titled the Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA).)